All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractAnalyticsEvent |
AbstractAnalyticsEvent.Priority |
List of supported event priorities.
AbstractButtonController |
Provides a class for customers which consists of basic
ButtonController method implementations to simplify adding
customized media controls.
AbstractButtonController.Visibility |
AbstractComponent |
Provides some common implementation that useful to all that interact with
RegisteringEventEmitters components, including:
Maintaining a reference to an EventEmitter
Wraps incoming EventEmitter in a RegisteringEventEmitter
Ensures incoming EventEmitter is not null
Maintains a collection of EventListener tokens for use with
Provides standard required method for initializing Event listeners
AbstractDownloadRequest |
Defines the contract of an entity that can be parceled and persisted into a local database with
information related to download request.
AbstractDownloadRequestSet |
Defines the contract of an entity that can be parceled and persisted into a local database with
information related to set of download requests.
AbstractEvent<PropertyValueType> |
AbstractOfflineCatalog |
AbstractOfflineCatalog.Builder<T extends AbstractOfflineCatalog.Builder<T>> |
An abstract Builder which sets the bases to create the OfflineCatalog object.
AbstractOfflineVideo |
Defines the contract of an entity that can be parceled and persisted into a local database with
information related to an video that can be played back offline.
AccessibilityListener |
Listener for the accessibility state.
ActiveSessionsGetterTask |
Ad<T> |
Definition of an SSAI Ad.
Ad.Category |
The category of the Ad
Ad.TrackingType |
Tracking types supported by an Ad.
Ad.Type |
Types of Ads.
AdAsset |
An AdAsset contains the information needed to play an Ad.
AdAsset.AdType |
The ad types
AdBlock |
A timeline block representing an Ad.
AdBreak |
Representation of an AdBreak.
AdBreakMapper |
Maps an com.brightcove.iabparser.vmap.AdBreak to an AdBreak .
AdCuePointComponent |
Before Video playback, converts Slots in an IAdContext into relevant CuePoints, then during playback is responsible
for handling FreeWheel ad Cuepoints emitted by the VideoController.
AdDisplayContainerFactory |
Defines the factory for creating the Google IMA AdDisplayContainer
AdEventType |
Enum class containing the 'AdEventType' as defined by OMID's validation script.
AdOverlayConfig |
An Ad Overlay Configuration class used to enable ot disable UI components in the Ad Overlay layout.
AdOverlayConfig.Builder |
The AdOverlayConfig.Builder.
AdOverlayConfigListener |
AdOverlayHandler |
AdPlayer<T> |
Represents the contract of an AdPlayer.
AdPlayer.AdPlayerSettings |
AdPlayer.AdPlayerSettings.Builder |
AdPlayer.Listener<T> |
Represents the callbacks from an AdPlayer .
AdPod |
A representation of an Ad pod.
AdPodListener |
Listener that specifies when a an Ad pod has started and when it has ended.
Ads |
Contains helper static methods related to Ad .
AdSelectionStrategy |
Defines the contract for Ad Pods selection to be played when seeking between the start seek position
and the end seek position.
AllocatorConfig |
Config class used when creating a Allocator instance.
AllocatorConfig.Builder |
The AllocatorConfig Builder.
Analytics |
Analytics.Fields |
AnalyticsClient |
Analytics client can be used to publish analytics event to the list of registered analytics
AnalyticsOutOfSpaceException |
An IOException that describes the reason why an AnalyticsEvent cannot be saved.
AnalyticsParams |
The analytics parameters to be sent as part of the custom data to the Cast Receiver app.
AnalyticsRetryLimitException |
An IOException that describes the reason why an AnalyticsEvent cannot be sent.
AsyncTaskResult<R,E> |
Helper class to return results to the UI thread when using an AsyncTask .
AudioTracksButtonController |
The default Brightcove audio tracks button controller.
BackgroundEventListener |
BaseEntity |
Created by rsubramaniam on 10/19/17.
BaseStore |
A base wrapper for EntityStore .
BaseVideoView |
BaseVideoView provides the base functionality for
BrightcoveVideoView, which for historical reasons isn't named
BrightcoveSurfaceVideoView, and BrightcoveTextureVideoView.
BaseVideoView.OnVideoViewSizeChangedListener |
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the
BaseVideoView's size changes.
BaseVideoViewAccessibilityDelegate |
Block |
Represents a single timed-text element.
BrightcoveAudioTracksController |
A controller class for managing audio tracks dialog windows.
BrightcoveCaptionFormat |
A class for describing the format options of a caption source.
BrightcoveCaptionFormat.Builder |
The Builder interface to store BrightcoveCaptionFormat data.
BrightcoveCaptionPropertiesActivity |
A host Activity for the BrightcoveCaptionPropertiesFragment.
BrightcoveCaptionPropertiesFragment |
A preference screen for users to customize their ~captions experience~
BrightcoveCaptionStyle |
A convenience class to build up and represent a Caption Style
BrightcoveCaptionStyle.Builder |
BrightcoveCastCustomData |
BrightcoveCastCustomData.Builder |
BrightcoveCastMediaManager |
BrightcoveChannelUtil |
BrightcoveClosedCaption |
A class for describing a closed caption, comprised of a start and end time
as well as the caption text.
BrightcoveClosedCaptioningController |
A controller class for managing closed captioning dialogue windows.
BrightcoveClosedCaptioningManager |
A class for managing instances of styled closed captions and their settings.
BrightcoveClosedCaptioningSurfaceView |
Deprecated. |
BrightcoveClosedCaptioningTextView |
A TextView that encapsulates a rendered closed caption.
BrightcoveClosedCaptioningView |
This view (a FrameLayout) implements the proper layout and formatting for closed captions for a BaseVideoView.
BrightcoveClosedCaptioningView.ClosedCaptioningMode |
Specifies the type of captions being used currently.
BrightcoveControlBar |
Provides a control bar wrapper class.
BrightcoveDashManifestParser |
A Dash Manifest Parser used for Brightcove videos.
BrightcoveDrmSession |
Contract of a DRM session.
BrightcoveDrmUtil |
Provides utility methods to work DRM licenses.
BrightcoveError |
BrightcoveError.ErrorCode |
BrightcoveExoPlayerTextureVideoView |
BrightcoveExoPlayerVideoView |
BrightcoveMediaController |
The default Brightcove media controller patterned on the Brightcove Web Player.
BrightcoveMediaControlRegistry |
Defines the interface for managing a collection of controllers for
media control buttons which use an icon fontset to present the
button operation via a glyph defined by the font.
BrightcoveMediaControlRegistryImpl |
Provides a button controller registry where collections of button controllers are managed.
BrightcoveMediaDrmCallback |
Provides a base implementation of Media DRM callback handler that can be used to concrete
implementations specific to ExoPlayer/CDM.
BrightcoveMessage |
BrightcoveNotification |
BrightcoveNotificationListener |
A listener for changes to the notification.
BrightcovePictureInPictureParams |
Represents a set of parameters used to initialize and update an Activity in picture-in-picture
BrightcovePictureInPictureParams.Builder |
BrightcovePlayer |
An Activity with basic life cycle and full screen support.
BrightcovePlayerActivity |
An AppCompatActivity with basic life cycle and full screen support.
BrightcovePlayerFragment |
A backward compatible androidx-namespaced Fragment class with basic
life cycle and full screen support.
BrightcovePlayerFragment |
A Fragment with basic life cycle and full screen support.
BrightcovePlayerOptionsManager |
Singleton class used to make manage the player options menu and its items, used for Android TV.
BrightcovePluginManager |
BrightcovePreviewSeekBar |
BrightcoveSeekBar |
Provides a seek bar object that also manages arbitrary markers for chapters, ads or some other purpose.
BrightcoveSeekBarController |
Abstracts the seekbar operations and provides a helper class for the seekbar in general.
BrightcoveSegmentTemplate |
BrightcoveShowHideController |
Abstracts the show/hide operations.
BrightcoveSourceSelector |
It is the default SourceSelector implementation that will
automatically select a Source rendition based on the following rules:
If an HLS source rendition exists use it (there should be only one, if any)
If no HLS renditions exists, but MP4 renditions exist, use the rendition that is closest
to 256 kBps
If no HLS or MP4 renditions exist, throw a NoSourceFoundException
BrightcoveSurfaceView |
BrightcoveTextureVideoView |
BrightcoveTextureVideoView extends the BaseVideoView using a
TextureView based RenderView.
BrightcoveTextureView |
BrightcoveTokenAuthorizer |
The class responsible to configure a Video with a Brightcove aiuthorization token.
BrightcoveVideoView |
BrightcoveVideoView extends the BaseVideoView using a SurfaceView based RenderView.
ButtonController |
Defines the interface for managing a media control button which
uses an icon fontset to present the button operation via a glyph
defined by the font.
ButtonState |
Provides a class to manage a given button state, for example, the "play" state.
C |
Constants related to Exoplayer V2
C.DashRoleFlag |
C.DashRoleScheme |
Define the list of Role values specified in the scheme "urn:mpeg:dash:role:2011".
C.TrackType |
Define of Track type constants.
CaptionConstants |
A set of constants related to loading/saving captions, caption defaults
CaptionsButtonController |
The default Brightcove captions button controller.
CaptionsDocument |
CaptionType |
Defines standard keys for each type of deliverable caption type handled by the SDK.
CastMediaUtil |
An utility class to work with Google Cast and Brightcove Media.
CastVideo |
Represents the details of the custom data sent to the Cast receiver app.
Catalog |
The Catalog class provides asynchronous methods for retrieving
information about videos from Brightcove's Edge API services.
Catalog.AbstractBuilder<T extends Catalog.AbstractBuilder<T>> |
An abstract Builder which sets the bases to create the Catalog object.
Catalog.Builder |
The Builder to create the Catalog object.
CatalogError |
A Brightcove Error created when making a Playback API request using the Catalog .
CatalogParams |
The catalog details to be sent as custom data to the Cast receiver app.
CatalogParams.AssetType |
The type of asset sent to the Cast receiver app for playback.
Click |
The representation of a VAST click, which can be either of the following:
- ClickThrough
- ClickTracking
- CustomClick
Click.Type |
The Creative Click Type.
CloseButtonController |
The default close button controller.
CodecUtil |
ColorPreference |
Grid preference that allows the user to pick a color from a predefined set of
CompanionAdHandler |
Handles the displaying of the Companion Ad.
Component |
Classes that implement this interface will be designed to work with the EventEmitter System
Classes that implement this interface should use the Emits and ListensFor annotations
ConcurrencyClient |
ConcurrencyClient.SessionsListener |
ConcurrencyNetworkConnector |
ConcurrencySession |
ConnectivityMonitor |
Connectivity monitor can be used to monitor changes to host network connectivity changes.
ConnectivityMonitor.Listener |
The contract of a listener that can receive callback notifications from the ConnectivityMonitor
ConnectivityMonitor.NetworkType |
List of supported network types.
Constants |
Created by rsubramaniam on 10/2/17.
Constants.Encoding |
Represents an audio encoding, or an invalid or unset value.
Constants.PcmEncoding |
Represents a PCM audio encoding, or an invalid or unset value.
Constants.SelectionFlags |
Track selection flags.
Constants.SelectionReason |
Define of selection reason constants.
Constants.StereoMode |
The stereo mode for 360/3D/VR videos.
ContentBlock |
A timeline block representing video content.
Convert |
Provides utility methods to handle type conversions
Convert.Lazy |
Lazy holder for creating a single instance of Gson on demand.
CreativeClicks |
It is the representation of VAST creative clicks.
CuePoint |
Represents the data of a single cue point.
CuePoint.CuePointType |
Specifies the cue point type.
CuePoint.PositionType |
Indicates the position of the cue point in relation to the entire video.
CustomData |
Represents the custom data to be sent to the Brightcove receiver app.
CustomerRightsToken |
An immutable transfer object that can be set the absolute expiration and play duration when
requesting an offline playback license.
CustomerRightsToken.PurchaseLicense |
Purchase license describes properties of license that has no time restrictions.
CustomerRightsToken.PurchaseProfile |
Purchase must be used for requesting a license without time restrictions.
CustomerRightsToken.RentalLicense |
The rental license describes the time restrictions to be imposed on the license.
CustomerRightsToken.RentalProfile |
Rental profile must be used for requesting a license with time restrictions.
CustomerRightsTokenConfig |
An immutable CustomerRightsToken configuration class which can be used to set additional and optional parameters
when renting or purchasing a DRM license.
CustomerRightsTokenConfig.Builder |
The CustomerRightsTokenConfig Builder.
CustomMediaHeartbeatDelegate |
Implementation of the MediaHeartbeatDelegate interface required for Video Heartbeat
CustomPlayerDelegate |
Deprecated. |
DashAudioTrackSelector |
Deprecated. |
DashDownloadable |
A MediaDownloadable responsible to manage the download of a Dash Video and its assets.
DashPeakBitrateTrackSelector |
Deprecated. |
DashUtil |
Provides utility methods related to DASH media description file.
Default |
This annotation should be used to mark the processEvent method when declaring a subclass of EventListener.
DefaultAdDisplayContainerFactory |
DefaultAnalyticsHandler |
DefaultConcurrencyHandler |
DefaultExpandedControllerActivity |
The default Expanded Controller Activity provided for the Cast plugin.
DefaultMediaDescriptionAdapter |
The @{link MediaDescriptionAdapter} for the player notification displayed in the notification.
DefaultOptionsProvider |
This class configures three key components of the Google Cast: The Cast Receiver App Id,
the Expanded Controller Activity and the Notification Target Activity.
DefaultPreviewLoader |
DefaultPreviewLoader.Builder |
DefaultSessionManagerListener |
Helper abstract SessionManagerListener to allow selective overrides.
DefaultSourceSelectionController |
DefaultThumbnailDocument |
DefaultThumbnailDocument.StartTimeComparator |
DefaultThumbnailDocumentCreator |
DefaultTimedThumbnailFilter |
DeliveryType |
Defines standard keys for each type of deliverable media asset handled by the SDK.
DownloadFileCreator |
Interface used to provide the downloads directory for Offline-Playback feature.
DownloadManager |
Provides an implementation of IDownloadManager that uses an application database to
track the requests.
DownloadManager.Listener |
A listener that can be used to callback notifications about download requests.
DownloadManager.Request |
DownloadStatus |
Download status describes the current status of a download request.
DownloadStatus.ReasonCode |
DownloadStatus.StatusCode |
The list of possible status values for DownloadManager.Request .
DrmException |
DRM exception is an immutable class that can be provide details related to an error that
was encountered while performing an DRM protected operation.
DrmSession |
The contract of an ExoPlayer 2 compatible DRM Session.
DrmUtil |
Provides utility methods to work DRM licenses.
EdgeTypePreference |
Grid preference that allows the user to pick a captioning edge type.
Element |
Provides a common representation for TTML elements.
Emits |
Annotation used for Component classes in order to describe what EventTypes this Component will Emits
EntityNotFoundException |
Exception used when an entity is looked up in the database but it is not found.
ErrorFields |
Deprecated. |
ErrorListener |
ErrorListener identifies objects that might receive an error from
an asynchronous operation.
ErrorUtil |
Event |
Represents a single Event, that is designed to be passed down a chain of listeners.
EventEmitter |
Defines the public facing api for classes that wish to emit
EventEmitterImpl |
The 'Main' implementation of EventEmitter.
EventEmitterUtil |
An utility class to emit common events in the Brightcove SDK.
EventListener |
Abstract class used as part of the event registration process.
EventLogger |
Simple class that can be used to listen to and log out information on all emitted events.
EventLogger.LoggerCallback |
This interface provides a way implement alternative logging.
EventType |
Maintains a list of Event types that the system is aware of.
EventUtil |
ExoAdPlayer |
Implementation of an AdPlayer using ExoPlayer.
ExoMediaPlayback |
This class extends the VideoDisplayComponent to add support for the
ExoMediaPlayback.Listener |
Interface definition to listen for player states.
ExoMediaPlayback.PlaybackAction |
ExoPlayerDrmSessionManager |
A DrmSessionManager that supports offline playback of DRM restricted content
using MediaDrm .
ExoPlayerDrmSessionManager.Builder |
ExoPlayerSourceSelectionController |
ExoPlayerSourceSelector |
The default Source Selector used with ExoPlayer.
ExoPlayerVideoDisplayComponent |
This class extends the VideoDisplayComponent to add support for the
ExoPlayerVideoDisplayComponent.CaptionListener |
A listener for receiving notifications of timed text.
ExoPlayerVideoDisplayComponent.Id3MetadataListener |
ExoPlayerVideoDisplayComponent.InfoListener |
A listener for debugging information.
ExoPlayerVideoDisplayComponent.InternalErrorListener |
Listeners for receiving error information.
ExoPlayerVideoDisplayComponent.MetadataListener |
Listener for receiving Metadata parsed from the media stream.
ExoPlayerVideoDisplayComponent.TrackType |
The list of possible Format types.
ExternalFileCreator |
Retrieves the external Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS .
FastForwardButtonController |
The default Brightcove Fast forward controller.
FileConverter |
Provides a Converter that can be used persist and read File objects.
FileUtil |
Provides utility methods to work files and folders.
FileUtil.StrictMode |
Provides strict mode equivalents to methods in FileUtil .
FreeWheelController |
The FreeWheelController is responsible for managing the lifecycle of a Freewheel Ad sequence and fitting it within
the context of the Brightcove Android SDK, by hooking into the BC Event system.
FreeWheelEventType |
Contains String constants for the EventTypes used by the FreeWheel plugin
FullScreenButtonController |
The default Brightcove fullScreen controller.
FullScreenController |
The default Brightcove enter/exit full screen controller.
Function<I1,O> |
Function to create an output from two inputs.
Function2<I1,I2,O> |
Function to create an output from two inputs.
GetPlaylistTask |
GetVideoTask |
GlRenderTarget |
GlUtil |
Utility methods to work with Open GL library.
GoogleCastComponent |
GoogleCastComponent.Builder |
GoogleCastEventType |
GoogleIMAComponent |
GoogleIMAComponent.Builder |
GoogleIMAEventType |
GoogleIMAVideoAdPlayer |
HeartbeatStarterTask |
HeartbeatStopperTask |
HeartbeatTask |
HLSPeakBitrateTrackSelector |
Deprecated. |
HlsSourceSelector |
The HLS Source Selector navigates the Video Source Collection and selects an HLS source.
HttpRequestConfig |
An immutable configuration class whose values are used as part of an HTTP request,
either as query parameters or as headers.
HttpRequestConfig.Builder |
The HttpRequestConfig Builder.
HttpResponse |
Wrapper class to contain the HTTP code and body response
HttpService |
HttpService provides the basic tools to construct URLs properly, and issue HTTP requests,
especially those that yield a JSON response.
IAnalyticsErrorListener |
Contract of the listener that can receive error notifications from the analytics client.
IAnalyticsHandler |
Contract of the class that handle incoming analytics events.
IAnalyticsHandler.ProcessListener |
IAnalyticsHandler.ProcessListener.Outcome |
List of possibles results.
IdentifiableEntity<E extends IdentifiableEntity,T> |
Defines the contract of a Persistable object can be identified using a key.
IDownloadManager |
Defines the contract of a download manager, which can used to queue and manage download requests.
IDownloadManager.IRequest |
Contract of a download request that can be submitted to the download manager.
IDownloadManager.IRequest.Visibility |
The list of possible visibility states.
IHandler |
InclusiveHEVCVideoSelectionOverride |
InclusiveHEVCVideoTrackSelectionOverride |
Selects all the indices of the Video Format s that has HVC codecs
plus any other Format with a different codec and different resolution than the HVC ones.
InvalidDownloadPathException |
Exception thrown when the download path is invalid.
InvalidVMAPException |
LastAdSeekStrategy |
Selects the last Ad found between the start and end position.
LayoutUtil |
Length |
Provides the representation of varying forms of length measure per the TTML specification.
LengthVtt |
Provides the representation of varying forms of length measure per the WebVTT1 specification.
LicenseManager |
Contract of license manager implementation that can be used to manage offline playback licenses.
LicenseManagerFactory |
Contract of a factory that can be used to createLicenseManager LicenseManager instances.
LifecycleUtil |
ListDialogPreference |
Abstract dialog preference that displays a set of values and optional titles.
ListDialogPreference.OnValueChangedListener |
ListensFor |
Annotation used for Component classes in order to describe what
EventTypes this Component will ListensFor.
ListPreferenceWithSummary |
A small extension to ListPreference to work around a platform bug on older OS versions
where the summary is not updated once the user chooses a value.
LiveButtonController |
The default Brightcove live controller.
LiveVideoChecker |
Interface to get information whether the video is Live or not.
LiveVideoOrchestrator |
The Live video orchestrator class is responsible to setup the components and listeners
needed for Live SSAI and update the Dynamic Timeline appropriately.
LoadCaptionsService |
Provides a simple interface to load and parse caption documents.
LoadCaptionsTask |
LoadCaptionsTask.ResponseStreamListener |
Provides a callback interface for processing an InputStream containing the response body of an HTTP request.
LoadControlConfig |
Config class used when creating a LoadControl instance.
LoadControlConfig.Builder |
The LoadControlConfig Builder.
LoadImageTask |
General purpose AsyncTask to load an image over the network into an ImageView.
Log |
A simple wrapper for Log that supports log message formatting and turning
on or off logging based on tag.
Log.Level |
The list of possible of logging levels.
MapConverter<K extends,V extends> |
Provides a Converter that can be used persist and read Map objects.
MediaControllerConfig |
MediaControllerConfig.Builder |
The MediaControllerConfig Builder.
MediaControllerKeyDispatcher |
The key dispatcher interface for the Media Controller.
MediaControlsVisibilityManager |
Provides a class to manage the media controls visibility state.
MediaDownloadable |
An abstract class that holds information related to a remote media ( Video ) to be downloaded
and responsible to manage the download of its components such as video, audio and text.
MediaDownloadable.DownloadEventListener |
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a media download is either completed,
cancelled or failed because an error has occurred.
MediaDownloadable.MediaFormatListener |
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the video tracks have been read
and are available.
MediaDownloadable.OnVideoSizeCallback |
MediaEvent |
Immutable object the describes a media event.
MediaFormat |
An immutable Parcelable object that can be used describe the format of media stream.
MediaPlayback<Player> |
Plays media using the specified player.
MediaPlaybackService |
The service holds a reference to the MediaPlayback which controls playback and displaying
the on-going notification of the service.
MediaPlaybackService.Binder |
MediaPlayerPlayback |
MediaPresentationDescriptionLoadable |
A Loader.Loadable responsible to request the
Media Presentation Description manifest and store it in a specified directory.
MediaSourceUtil |
Provides utility method to work with DashManifest and HlsMultivariantPlaylist .
MetadataObject |
Provides a common metadata collection for any data model objects using a generic, dynamic
set of metadata properties.
Mp4Downloadable |
A MediaDownloadable responsible to manage the download of a MP4 Video and its assets.
MultiDataSource |
Multi data source supports fetching assets from multiple URI schemes.
MultiDataSource.Factory |
MultiDataSource.ShortTtlHandler |
Interface definition for handling DataSpec with an expired manifest URL.
Multimap<K,V> |
Structure that handles singleKey-multipleValues map.
NoAdSeekStrategy |
Ignore the ads found between the start and end position.
NoSourceFoundException |
Indicates that during a search for a suitable Source rendition, none could be found.
NoVMAPSourceFoundException |
NumberUtil |
Objects |
OfflineCallback<R> |
OfflineCatalog |
Offline catalog is an extension of the standard catalog class that is used to fetching videos
in a playlist or the details of a specific video.
OfflineCatalog.Builder |
The Builder to create the OfflineCatalog object.
OfflineDashManifestParser |
This class is used to parse an offline Dash Manifest and filters in only the Representations
which were previously stored in the device.
OfflineLicenseManager |
Offline license helper can be used to download, renew and release offline playback licenses.
OfflineLicenseManager.Builder |
OfflineLicenseManagerFactory |
OfflinePlaybackPlugin |
OfflinePlaybackPlugin.Modules |
OfflinePlaybackSupport |
Binds modules needed for offline playback plugin.
OfflineStoreManager |
Store manager can be used to persist data into an application specific private database.
OfflineStoreManager.CanChangeDownloadIdentifier |
OmnitureComponent |
Implements an integration with the Adobe Mobile Library for Android.
OmnitureComponent.DefaultMediaNameFactory |
Default implementation of MediaNameFactory which follows these steps:
If video exists and has an ID property as identified by Video.Fields.ID, use it
Otherwise if given a Source object, presumably the one chosen by the current
SourceSelector implementation, use the URL from that Source
Otherwise fall back to the DEFAULT_MEDIA_NAME constant value
OmnitureComponent.MediaNameFactory |
Provides a simple interface to allow the generation of media names that are tracked in
Omniture to be customized.
OmnitureComponent.TrackingState |
OmnitureEventType |
Event types emitted from the Omniture component.
OpenGLException |
Open GL Exception is an unchecked exception that will be thrown when the player encounters
Open GL errors that prevent 360 degree video playback.
OpenMeasurementTracker |
The interface definition which wraps and integrates open-measurement.
OpenMeasurementTracker.Config |
Config class used to configure the open-measurement ad session.
OpenMeasurementTracker.Error |
An error that may be thrown when an issue occurs starting or stopped an open-measurement
tracking session.
OpenMeasurementTracker.Factory |
OpenMeasurementTracker.Listener |
Listener interface for OMID tracker events.
Optional<T> |
Optional wrapper can be to pass nullable value safely through RxJava2 stream.
OutputProtection |
An immutable class used to configure the output protection when downloading a DRM license.
PauseAdView |
Represents the view for Pulse Pause Ads.
PictureInPictureButtonController |
The default Brightcove picture-in-picture button controller.
PictureInPictureManager |
The class responsible to manage the Picture-in-Picture mode.
PictureInPictureManagerException |
The Picture-in-Picture manager exception is an unchecked exception thrown when PictureInPictureManager
encounters a problem.
PlaybackListener |
Listener for playback related events.
PlaybackLocation |
Enum to depict the playback location state.
PlaybackNotification |
Base class for creating and updating a media-style notification.
PlaybackNotification.Config |
The config used to create the on-going notification and update the notification content.
PlaybackNotification.Extras |
PlaybackNotification.MediaDescriptionAdapter |
An adapter to provide content assets of the media currently playing.
PlaybackNotification.MediaDescriptionAdapter.BitmapCallback |
Callback invoked when the image is loaded and ready to display in the notification.
PlaybackNotification.NotificationImageLoader |
PlaybackNotification.OnRestorePlaybackHandler |
Interface definition used to restore playback when re-creating an activity when the user
clicks on the on-going notification.
PlaybackNotification.StreamType |
Types of media to display an ongoing notification for.
PlayButtonController |
The default Brightcove play button controller.
PlayerBandwidthMeter |
Provides an implementation of BandwidthMeter that tracks the total number of bytes
PlayerOptionsButtonController |
The default Brightcove player options button controller.
Playlist |
Playlist.Fields |
Provides the list of known field names that can appear in the properties Map.
PlaylistListener |
PlaylistListener identifies objects that expect to receive a Playlist
object from an asynchronous operation.
PresetPreference |
PreviewAnimator |
PreviewAnimatorImpl |
PreviewLoader |
PreviewThumbnailFormat |
PreviewThumbnailFormatSelector |
PreviewThumbnailView |
The representation for the Preview Thumbnail View which contains all the components needed for
drawing thumbnail images according to the progress changes.
PreviewThumbnailView.OnPreviewChangeListener |
PulseAdPlayer |
Represents an AdPlayer capable of handling a PulseVideoAd.
PulseAdView |
Represents the view of an Ad.
PulseAdView.Listener |
Listener to trigger UI events related to the Ad playback.
PulseComponent |
Pulse Component Plugin.
PulseComponent.Listener |
Listener of the Pulse Component.
PulseEvent |
PulseEventType |
PulseIllegalOperationException |
Represents an illegal operation in the PulseSession.
PulsePlaybackException |
Represents an exception coming from an Ad Playback.
ReflectionUtil |
Provides utility methods that can be used access and mutate objects using reflection.
Region |
Represents a region definition for targeting caption rendering on screen in a TTML document.
Region.DisplayAlign |
RegisteringEventEmitter |
The RegisteringEventEmitter allows developers to constrain which events their Components
are intended to listen for and emit.
RemoteControlKeyState |
Defines the interface to handle and react to the key events coming from the remote control,
depending on the state of the media controller.
RemoteTrackerDatasource |
RendererConfig |
This class contains configuration values used on a Renderer Builder.
RendererConfig.Builder |
RenderThread |
RenderThread waits for the SphericalVideoPlayer's SurfaceTexture to be
available then sets up a GL rendering context, creates an external
texture for the video decoder to output to, asks for vsync updates from
the Choreographer, attaches a frame available listener the video decode
SurfaceTexture, then begins video playback.
RenderView |
A common interface implemented by BrightcoveSurfaceView and
RequestConfig |
A configuration class whose values are passed over to the DownloadManager
in each request made.
RequestConfig.RequestVisibility |
RewindButtonController |
The default Brightcove rewind controller.
RotationMonitor |
Rotation monitor can be use watch for device rotation changes.
RotationMonitor.Listener |
Defines the contract of listener that can receive notifications about device rotation changes.
ScreenSizeThumbnailFormatSelector |
Selects the thumbnail format based on the screen size of the device.
Sdk |
SDK provides access to build time and runtime configuration.
SeekButtonController |
Provides an abstract class that allows a subclass to either seek back or seek forward.
SeekListener |
The seek event listener.
SeekManager |
Class responsible to manage SSAI seek events.
SelectionOverrideCreator |
ShaderProgram |
ShowHideController |
Defines the facilities for managing media controls visibility.
ShutterViewController |
Source |
The Source class is an immutable representation of a specific playable video asset, including
the URL or other necessary information required to play the video.
Source.Fields |
Provides the list of known field names that can appear in the properties Map.
SourceAwareMetadataObject |
SourceAwareMetadataObject.Fields |
Provides the list of known field names that can appear in the properties Map.
SourceCollection |
The SourceCollection class represents a collection of video asset Source model objects grouped
by a common encoding and/or delivery method.
SourceFilterRule |
SourceSelector |
Defines methods provided by any class that allows for selection of a Source within a Video object
by some set of rules or logic.
Span |
Represents a span of styled text within a TTML document.
Sphere |
SphericalSceneRenderer |
Creates and renders a sphere centered at (0, 0, 0) textured with the current video frame.
SplashScreen |
SpringServeHelper |
SSAICallback<T> |
An SSAI callback used on asynchronous operations.
SSAIComponent |
Provide a class to support the Brightcove Server Side Ad Insertion (SSAI) functionality.
SSAIEvent |
An event class containing the Event property keys exclusively used
in the SSAI plugin.
SSAIEventType |
Identifies SSAI event types used and emitted within the SSAI plugin.
SSAISourceSelector |
Provides a default SourceSelector controller implementation that will
automatically select a Source rendition based on the following rules:
A DASH source rendition with a vmap property will be used if available
If not, an HLS rendition with a vmap property will be used if available
If no DASH or HLS renditions exist with a vmap property, throw a NoSourceFoundException
SSAIThumbnailDocument |
A Wrapping ThumbnailDocument used in the SSAI plugin to better handle the relative playhead position
from the SeekBar and the absolute position values in an SSAI Video and its preview thumbnails.
SSAIThumbnailDocumentCreatorWrapper |
A wrapping ThumbnailDocumentCreator for the SSAI plugin that incorporates the Timeline
to account for the relative and abolute playhead position given Ad breaks present in the Video.
SSAIWrapper |
StringUtil |
Some assorted utility methods for dealing with Strings.
StyledElement |
Provides a common representation for TTML styled elements.
StyledElement.FontStyle |
StyledElement.FontWeight |
StyledElement.TextAlign |
StyledElement.TextDecoration |
StyledElement.Unit |
TextInformationFrame |
Text information ID3 frame.
TextInformationFrameExoPlayer2Mapper |
TextInformationFrameListener |
The Text Information Frame listener.
ThumbnailComponent |
Thumbnail Component Plugin.
ThumbnailDocument |
ThumbnailDocumentCreator |
ThumbnailEvent |
An event class containing the Event property keys exclusively used
in the Thumbnail plugin.
ThumbnailEventType |
Identifies SSAI event types used and emitted within the Thumbnail plugin.
ThumbnailView |
The View used by the PreviewLoader to draw the preview thumbnail image.
Ticker |
The timeline ticker is responsible to update the last and the current playhead position of the
underlying video player, to its TickerObserver observers.
Ticker.Position |
Describes the positions where the Ticker can start.
TickerFactory |
A Ticker Factory class that creates the appropriate Ticker according to
the underlying Video player used in the BaseVideoView .
TickerObserver |
The Ticker observer which receives updates of the last and current playhead position.
TimedTextView |
Specialized TextView to handle timed strings with formats hh:mm:ss or mm:ss
TimedThumbnail |
TimedThumbnailFilter |
The TimedThumbnail available for a video may be dependent on the duration of such a video,
going from dozens to hundreds of images.
TimedTracker |
Class in charge of handling the timed tracking events.
Timeline |
The Timeline interface is a representation of a single SSAI video,
that is, a video with its Ads stitched in the video itself.
Timeline.Type |
The Timeline Type.
TimelineBlock |
A Timeline block represents linear and delimited part of a Timeline.
TimelineFactory |
A Timeline Factory class that creates the appropriate Timeline according to
the SSAIWrapper object received.
TimelineManager |
Manages the state of the Timeline according to player playhead position.
Tracker |
Defines a Tracker.
TrackerDatasource |
TrackingConfig |
A Tracking Configuration class used to modify the behavior of which tracking events
are allowed to be sent.
TrackingConfig.Builder |
The TrackingConfig.Builder.
TrackingConfigListener |
TrackingEvent<T> |
Representation of a VMAP/VAST tracking event.
TrackingException |
Exception to be used when a tracking event fails to be pinged.
TrackingType |
Tracking types supported by a Creative.
TrackSelectionOverrideCreator |
TrackSelectorHelper |
Helper class to do several operations with the MappingTrackSelector selector.
Triggers |
Contains helper static methods related to TimedTrackingTrigger .
TTMLDocument |
Represents a parsed DFXP TTML document.
TTMLParser |
Implementation of a parser which understands much of the DFXP TTML specification (though not all).
TTMLParser.Attributes |
All XML attributes recognized in a TTML document.
TTMLParser.Namespaces |
Namespaces specified by TTML specification.
TTMLParser.Tags |
All tags recognized in a TTML document.
UIManager |
UiTimedTracker<T extends TickerObserver & Tracker> |
Decorator of a Tracker which adds functionality to handle UI based events.
UnsupportedDrmException |
Exception thrown when the required level of DRM is not supported.
Video |
The Video class is an immutable representation of all data related to a video, including
associated metadata (in properties) and the groupings of source assets for this video.
Video.Builder |
Convenience Builder to build Video objects.
Video.CanSetDownloadIdentifier |
Video.CanSetLicenseExpiryDate |
Video.CanSetLicenseKeySetId |
Video.Fields |
Provides the list of known field names that can appear in the properties Map.
Video.ProjectionFormat |
The list of known projection formats.
Video.Status |
VideoConverter |
Provides a Converter that can be used persist and read Video objects.
VideoDisplayComponent |
The VideoDisplayComponent wraps the Brightcove EventEmitter around the lifecycle of the standard Android MediaPlayer
VideoFields |
Static class that contains all the relevant names for fields that are provided for Video data
by the Media API.
VideoFormatSelectorUtil |
Selects from possible video formats.
VideoListener |
VideoListener identifies objects that expect to receive a Video
object from an asynchronous operation.
VideoParseException |
Thrown when the JSON object does not have the minimum required properties to create a Video.
VideoParser |
Utility class used to create a Video object from a JSONObject instance.
VideoPlaybackController |
Manages video playback and provides proper translation between the Brightcove representation
of videos and the underlying platform's representation.
VideoStillDisplayComponent |
Provides a simple Component interface to load Video Still images from a Video object into an
VideoUtil |
An Video utility class to perform tasks with Brightcove video objects.
VMAPDataSource |
VMAPHttpDataSource |
VmapXmlDataSource |
VRButtonController |
The default Brightcove VR mode button controller.
WebVTTDocument |
Represents a parsed WebVTT document.
WebVTTParser |
Implementation of a parser for WebVTT style captions.
WidevineAuthorizer |
WidevineMediaDrmCallback |
Provides a concrete implementation of BrightcoveMediaDrmCallback that use Widevine
to support playback of DRM protected content in ExoPlayer 2.