Class AnalyticsClient

  • public class AnalyticsClient
    extends java.lang.Object
    Analytics client can be used to publish analytics event to the list of registered analytics handlers. By default the analytics client will attempt to send the analytics event to the Brightcove analytics collector. This default behavior can be change add custom handlers.
    See Also:
    addHandler(IAnalyticsHandler), removeHandler(IAnalyticsHandler), removeAllHandlers()
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      AnalyticsClient addHandler​(IAnalyticsHandler handler)
      Adds the specified handler to the set of handlers that will be notified when an analytics event is received.
      static void disableNetwork​(int type)
      Disables the specified network type for transmission of analytics events.
      static void enableNetwork​(int type)
      Enables the specified network type for transmission of analytics events.
      static long getBacklogLimit()
      Gets the maximum size of the analytics events backlog, expressed as total number of bytes.
      static int getBatchSize()
      Gets the maximum number of events that will be processed in a batch when transmitting backlog.
      static AnalyticsClient getInstance​(android.content.Context context)
      Provides reference to the single instance of AnalyticsClient.
      static android.util.SparseArray<java.lang.Boolean> getNetworkEntitlements()
      Gets the network entitlements for transmission of analytics events.
      static int getRetryLimit()
      Gets the maximum number of attempts that will be made to send AbstractAnalyticsEvent.NORMAL events.
      static boolean isNetworkEnabled​(int type)
      Checks if the specified network type is currently enabled for transmission of analytics events.
      AnalyticsClient publish​( event, IAnalyticsErrorListener errorHandler)
      Publishes the specified event to the current set of registered analytics handlers.
      AnalyticsClient removeAllHandlers()
      Removes all handlers that are currently registered with client.
      AnalyticsClient removeHandler​(IAnalyticsHandler handler)
      Removed the specified handler to the set of handlers that will be notified when an analytics event is received.
      static void setBacklogLimit​(long backlogLimit)
      Sets the maximum size of the analytics events backlog, expressed as total number of bytes.
      static void setBatchSize​(int batchSize)
      Sets the maximum number of events that will be processed in a batch when transmitting backlog.
      static boolean setNetworkEnabled​(int type, boolean enabled)
      Sets whether the specified network type is enabled for transmission of analytics events.
      static void setRetryLimit​(int retryLimit)
      Sets the maximum number of attempts that will be made to send AbstractAnalyticsEvent.NORMAL events.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail


        public static long DEFAULT_BACKLOG_LIMIT
        The default limit for analytics events backlog, expressed as total number of bytes.

        public static int DEFAULT_RETRY_LIMIT
        The maximum number of attempts that will be made to send AbstractAnalyticsEvent.NORMAL events.

        public static int DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE
        The maximum number of events that will be processed in a batch when transmitting backlog.
    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static AnalyticsClient getInstance​(@NonNull
                                                  android.content.Context context)
        Provides reference to the single instance of AnalyticsClient.
        context - context of the host activity or application.
        reference to the single instance of AnalyticsClient.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the context is null.
      • setNetworkEnabled

        public static boolean setNetworkEnabled​(int type,
                                                boolean enabled)
        Sets whether the specified network type is enabled for transmission of analytics events.
        type - the type of the network.
        enabled - true, if the network should be enabled for analytics transmission, otherwise false.
        false if the network type cannot be disabled because it is currently the only network type that is enabled for analytics event transmission, otherwise true.
      • enableNetwork

        public static void enableNetwork​(int type)
        Enables the specified network type for transmission of analytics events.
        type - the type of the network.
      • disableNetwork

        public static void disableNetwork​(int type)
        Disables the specified network type for transmission of analytics events.
        type - the type of the network.
      • isNetworkEnabled

        public static boolean isNetworkEnabled​(int type)
        Checks if the specified network type is currently enabled for transmission of analytics events.
        type - the type of the network.
        true, if the network is entitled for analytics transmission, otherwise false.
      • getNetworkEntitlements

        public static android.util.SparseArray<java.lang.Boolean> getNetworkEntitlements()
        Gets the network entitlements for transmission of analytics events.
        a SparseArray of ConnectivityMonitor.NetworkType and Boolean values that indicate whether a specific network type can be used for transmission of analytics events.
      • getBacklogLimit

        public static long getBacklogLimit()
        Gets the maximum size of the analytics events backlog, expressed as total number of bytes.
        the maximum size of the analytics events backlog, expressed as total number of bytes.
      • setBacklogLimit

        public static void setBacklogLimit​(long backlogLimit)
        Sets the maximum size of the analytics events backlog, expressed as total number of bytes.
        backlogLimit - the maximum size of the analytics events backlog, expressed as total number of bytes.
      • setRetryLimit

        public static void setRetryLimit​(int retryLimit)
        Sets the maximum number of attempts that will be made to send AbstractAnalyticsEvent.NORMAL events.
        retryLimit - the maximum number of attempts that will be made to send AbstractAnalyticsEvent.NORMAL events.
      • getBatchSize

        public static int getBatchSize()
        Gets the maximum number of events that will be processed in a batch when transmitting backlog.
        the maximum number of events that will be processed in a batch when transmitting backlog.
      • setBatchSize

        public static void setBatchSize​(int batchSize)
        Sets the maximum number of events that will be processed in a batch when transmitting backlog.
        batchSize - the maximum number of events that will be processed in a batch when transmitting backlog.
      • addHandler

        public AnalyticsClient addHandler​(@NonNull
                                          IAnalyticsHandler handler)
        Adds the specified handler to the set of handlers that will be notified when an analytics event is received.
        handler - the handler to be added.
        the single instance of the Analytics client.
      • removeHandler

        public AnalyticsClient removeHandler​(@NonNull
                                             IAnalyticsHandler handler)
        Removed the specified handler to the set of handlers that will be notified when an analytics event is received.
        handler - the handler to be removed.
        the single instance of the Analytics client.
      • removeAllHandlers

        public AnalyticsClient removeAllHandlers()
        Removes all handlers that are currently registered with client.
        the single instance of the Analytics client.
      • publish

        public AnalyticsClient publish​(@NonNull
                                       IAnalyticsErrorListener errorHandler)
        Publishes the specified event to the current set of registered analytics handlers.
        event - the event to be published.
        errorHandler - optional reference to an object that can handle errors in processing the published analytics event.
        the single instance of the Analytics client.