Interface ExoMediaPlayback.Listener

  • Enclosing class:

    public static interface ExoMediaPlayback.Listener
    Interface definition to listen for player states.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void onConfigureSurface()
      Invoked when the player is preparing a MediaSource and the surface should be set.
      void onHideRenderView()
      Invoked when the [RenderView] associated with the playback should be hidden.
      default void onMediaItemChanged()
      Invoked when a new MediaItem is played.
      void onPlayerInitialized()
      Callback invoked when the player has been initialized.
      void onPlayerReleased()
      Invoked when the player is destroyed.
      void onSetProjectionFormat()
      Invoked when the player will be created.
      void onShowRenderView()
      Invoked when the @{link RenderView} associated with the playback should be visible.
      void onVideoSizeChanged​(int width, int height)
      Called before a frame is rendered for the first time since setting the surface, and each time there's a change in the size or pixel aspect ratio of the video being rendered.
    • Method Detail

      • onSetProjectionFormat

        void onSetProjectionFormat()
        Invoked when the player will be created.
      • onPlayerInitialized

        void onPlayerInitialized()
        Callback invoked when the player has been initialized.
      • onPlayerReleased

        void onPlayerReleased()
        Invoked when the player is destroyed.
      • onHideRenderView

        void onHideRenderView()
        Invoked when the [RenderView] associated with the playback should be hidden.
      • onShowRenderView

        void onShowRenderView()
        Invoked when the @{link RenderView} associated with the playback should be visible.
      • onVideoSizeChanged

        void onVideoSizeChanged​(int width,
                                int height)
        Called before a frame is rendered for the first time since setting the surface, and each time there's a change in the size or pixel aspect ratio of the video being rendered.
        width - The video width in pixels, 0 when unknown.
        height - The video height in pixels, 0 when unknown.
      • onConfigureSurface

        void onConfigureSurface()
        Invoked when the player is preparing a MediaSource and the surface should be set.
      • onMediaItemChanged

        default void onMediaItemChanged()
        Invoked when a new MediaItem is played.