Class CompanionAdHandler

    • Constructor Detail

      • CompanionAdHandler

        public CompanionAdHandler​(@NonNull
                                  android.content.Context context,
                                  EventEmitter eventEmitter)
        Build a manager given the Android context, the Brightcove video view and the event emitter.
        context - The given Android context.
        eventEmitter - The given Brightcove video view.
    • Method Detail

      • addCompanionContainer

        public void addCompanionContainer​(android.view.ViewGroup container)
        Add a container for showing companion ads. A phone or small tablet might have none or one. Larger devices may have multiple containers for showing companion ads. Note: At the moment only one Companion Ad is supported, calling addCompanionContainer will replace previous container.
        container - The given container to add.
      • clearCompanionContainers

        public void clearCompanionContainers()
        Clear all the companion containers.