Interface OpenMeasurementTracker

  • public interface OpenMeasurementTracker

    The interface definition which wraps and integrates open-measurement.

    Integrate Open-Measurement Guide:

    1. Initialize Open Measurement in Application.onCreate():
       public class MyApplication extends Application {
         public void onCreate() {
    2. Create the OpenMeasurementTracker with your partner info and the BaseVideoView playing ads.
       public class MyActivity extends Activity {
         private OpenMeasurementTracker omTracker;
         @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
           omTracker = new OpenMeasurementTracker.Factory(
               PARTNER_ID, PARTNER_VERSION, videoView
    3. Stop the tracker when the activity is destroyed:
       @Override public void onDestroy() {

    When integrated, the tracker will handle creating the ad session, sending tracking events, handling player state, parsing the VAST for verification scripts, etc.

    • Field Detail

      • TAG

        static final java.lang.String TAG
        The log tag used for open measurement debugging
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • addFriendlyObstruction

        void addFriendlyObstruction​(android.view.View view,
                                    com.iab.omid.library.brightcove.adsession.FriendlyObstructionPurpose purpose,
                                    java.lang.String reason)
        Add friendly obstruction which should then be excluded from all ad session viewability calculations.
        view - The view considered to be a friendly obstruction.
        purpose - The FriendlyObstructionPurpose
        reason - A detailed reason explaining the use of the friendly obstruction.
      • addListener

        void addListener​(OpenMeasurementTracker.Listener listener)
        Add a listener for OMID events.
        listener - The listener to be added to the tracking session.
      • removeListener

        void removeListener​(OpenMeasurementTracker.Listener listener)
        Removes a listener from the tracking session.
        listener - The listener to be removed.
      • initialize

        static void initialize​(android.content.Context context)
        Initialize the OM SDK. This should be done inApplication.onCreate():
         public class MyApplication extends Application {
           public void onCreate() {
        context - The application context used to initialize the OM SDK.