BCOVAMCMediaSettingPolicy Block Reference

Declared in BCOVAMCAnalyticsPolicy.h

Block Definition


Each time a new playback session is ready to be processed, this block is called and the session is passed in. The block must return a media setting object which will be used to configure Adobe video media tracking for this new playback session. If the block returns nil, Adobe video media tracking will not collect and report video analytics. The length properties of media setting video can be initialized to 0 as live media and it will be updated by the BCOVAMCSessionConsumer instance later.

typedef ADBMediaSettings* (^BCOVAMCMediaSettingPolicy) (id <, BCOVPlaybackSession >, session )


Each time a new playback session is ready to be processed, this block is called and the session is passed in. The block must return a media setting object which will be used to configure Adobe video media tracking for this new playback session. If the block returns nil, Adobe video media tracking will not collect and report video analytics. The length properties of media setting video can be initialized to 0 as live media and it will be updated by the BCOVAMCSessionConsumer instance later.

Declared In
